Hi! It's Tash! aka Little Lois
Hi it’s Tash, or as my dad sometimes like to introduce me… Little Lois.
I have spent the last year telling my mom (aka OG Lois) that she needs to post more of her amazing recipes, then I thought, why don’t I post my own and secretly take over her blog. So today is Thursday, January 7th, 2021 and I am going to start to post my own recipes and blogs and see how long it takes Loma (my nickname for my mom) to figure out what I am doing :D.
A couple things about me; firstly I think it is important to explain why I call Lois - Loma and not mom. When I was 16 I would sometimes help out with my mom at our friends catering business, she would never hear me when I would say ‘MOM’ so one day I started saying ‘Lois’ to catch her attention. She hated me calling her Lois so I combined the two can started calling her Loma. To this day all my close friends and her close friends call her Loma.
Growing up in a foodie/chef family made it inevitable that I would also have a huge passion for food, my parents sometimes like to bring up how I asked for escargot for my 5th birthday party (don’t worry they said no). While I love to cook, I have recently discovered baking is more my passion. I am also very lucky that my partner is an amazing cook as well, and now that we live together I am excited to try more of his wonderful cooking.
Pass the Spaghetti!
A friend once told me that instead of having a new years resolution she picks one word to live by every year. This year I have chosen the word LOVE <3, and it’s not just because I moved in with my partner recently. With covid and all the restrictions 2020 was a hard year for everyone, I wasn’t able to see friends or family so to make up for it I regularly baked treats for them as an excuse to drop by their house and see them (from 6+ feet away of course). In 2020 I discovered my love of baking and want to improve my skills in 2021. So while a lot of my posts will likely be baking (which my dad says I am better than Loma, shhh! don’t tell her), I also want to continue my love of cooking and making great food inspired by the people I love.
As Loma said - Come along on my culinary adventures!